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$1.28 / per Pill


  • Active Ingredient: Armodafinil
  • Expiry Date: 15/10/2026
  • Average Delivery Time: 25 days
  • Availibility: In Stock
  • Strength: 150 mg

Treat Excessive Sleepiness Problem with Armodafinil

Armodafinil is used to treat excessive sleepiness that may happen with narcolepsy, sleep apnea, or shift work problems. Itis one of the most widely used smart drug and nootropic agents.It is used mainly to tackle daytime sleepiness to stay awake during working hour. It keeps you from having sleep in case of a busy work schedule. Armodafinil Generic helps to improve brain function, and thus people also use it to improve their cognitive abilities. This drug is non-addictive, and thus you will not develop a dependency on using this.

Package Strength Price for
New Customer
Price for
Old Customer
20 Pill
150 mg $89
($4.45 Per Pill)
($4 Per Pill)
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50 Pill
150 mg $139
($2.78 Per Pill)
($2.5 Per Pill)
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70 Pill
150 mg $169
($2.41 Per Pill)
($2.17 Per Pill)
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100 Pill
150 mg $219
($2.19 Per Pill)
($1.97 Per Pill)
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120 Pill
150 mg $259
($2.16 Per Pill)
($1.94 Per Pill)
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150 Pill
150 mg $289
($1.93 Per Pill)
($1.73 Per Pill)
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200 Pill
150 mg $349
($1.75 Per Pill)
($1.57 Per Pill)
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300 Pill
150 mg $469
($1.56 Per Pill)
($1.41 Per Pill)
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400 Pill
150 mg $582
($1.46 Per Pill)
($1.31 Per Pill)
Add to cart
500 Pill
150 mg $713
($1.43 Per Pill)
($1.28 Per Pill)
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Armodafinil Information

  • Active Compound
  • Dosage
  • Precautions
  • Common Side Effects
  • Severe Side Effects
  • Additional Info

Armodafinil’sexact mechanism of action in keeping the brain awake is unclear or poorly understood. However, it is believed to be working on the central nervous system by affecting certain brain chemicals, neurotransmitters that help in controlling your sleep and wake cycle. This medication works on the brain function, and it improves your cognitive function as well as keeps you alert for a significant amount of time.

  • In shift work sleep disorder, take this medicine before you begin with your work shift and follow doctor’s instructions exactly.
  • For narcolepsy and OSA, take Armodafinil Pill once a day in the morning.
  • Take this nootropic agent with or without food.
  • Take this smart drug regularly to notice an improvement and best results.
  • Your doctor will prescribea suitable dosage based on your medical condition and drug response.
  • On using this medication for a longer period, it may not function as effectively as you would expect. Thus, talk to your doctor if you think it has stopped working for you.

Usage instructions

  • If you are using this drug for obstructive sleep apnea and narcolepsy, take it by mouth as directed by your doctor, usually once daily in the morning.
  • For shift work sleep disorder, administer it as directed by your doctor, usually 1 hour before you start your work shiftonce a day. You may take this medication with or without food, but it may take longer to work if taken with food.
  • For sleep apnea, continue your other treatment unless your doctor tells you to stop (such as the CPAP machine, mouth device).
  • Take this medication regularly to get the most benefit from it.The dosage is based on your medical condition and response to treatment.
  • Read the Guide carefully provided by your pharmacist before you start using it and each time you get a refill. Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you have any queries.
  • Before using Armodafinil Generic, make sure you inform your doctor about the medical history, especially personal or family history of drug abuse, regarding heart disease, brain disorder, or any other medical condition.
  • Before taking Armodafinil Generic smart drug, you should tell your doctor whether you are allergic to any of its ingredients, including modafinil.
  • If you are on the use of this smart drug and want to undergo surgical procedures, tell your doctor that you have been using this medication in advance.
  • It is imperative to tell your doctor about the medications you have taken or have been taking, such as herbal supplements, prescription or OTC drugs, vitamins, or other smart drugs to prevent drug interactions.
  • Headache
  • Dry mouth
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Difficulty sleeping

If you have severe side effects such as-

  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Mood changes
  • Palpitations
  • Extreme confusion
  • Depression, and
  • Suicidal thoughtsthen visit the nearest ER.

What is Armodafinil prescribed for?

Armodafinil 150 mg has wakefulness-promoting properties. It is a smart drug or a nootropic agent that is prescribed for the treatment of excessive sleepiness caused by sleep disorders,for example,narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea, and shift work sleep disorder. Also, Armodafinil is prescribed to enhance cognitive abilities in people who are taking it as it improvesbrain function.

Is Armodafinil a stimulant?

It is classified under the family of drugs called eugeroics, which are a type of stimulantthat helps you to keep alert for a longer period.

Is Armodafinil a narcotic drug?

Armodafinil 150 mg is categorized under the category of drugs called “non-narcotic Schedule IV compounds.” Most patients having excessive sleepiness can use this smart drug without observing much dependence.

Is Armodafinil Generic legal?

In the United States, this smart drug is classified under the class of drugs called “Schedule 4” prescription-only drug. Thus, it is a legal drug and it has been approved by the drug regulatory bodies for treating sleep disorders.

Can you overdose on Armodafinil Generic?

Armodafinil overdose could cause restlessness, mental disorientation, insomnia (sleeplessness), confusion, hallucination, and delusions. Physical symptoms are nausea and diarrhea.

What is the difference between Armodafinil and Modafinil?

Nuvigil is the brand name that contains Armodafinil and Provigil is the brand name that contains Modafinil. Armodafinil 250 mg is the “R-enantiomer” of modafinil, and so it is a close relative of modafinil. The precise action mechanism of these drugs is unknown. However, they have the same effects.


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